PPG Paints names 2022 Color of the Year


PITTSBURGH – PPG Paints, a global supplier of paints, coatings and specialty materials, has announced its 2022 Color of the Year as Olive Sprig (PPG1125-4), described as an elegant, grounded gray-green that is meant to represent regrowth in a post-pandemic world and to mirror nature’s resiliency.

“While we begin to trade sweatpants for strappy shoes, recipes for reservations and a night in for a night out, our paint color preferences are shifting, too, in both residential and commercial spaces,” said Amy Donato, senior color marketing manager. “DIYers, property managers, designers and architects are shifting away from the stark, neutral palettes of yesterday and opting for color in all forms.”

PPG Paints has created Olive Sprig to be paired with natural materials, architectural elements and furniture with curved forms in order to create a comfortable and grounded space. The color also is said to pair well with brass accents and wood tones.

PPG’s Global Color Forecasting Workshop

PPG’s annual Global Color Forecasting Workshop brings together more than 30 PPG global color stylists from the automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace and home paints and stain industries. Over the course of several days, the stylists analyze the runway, lifestyles, demographics, geographies, and global events to determine what colors will resonate and represent the PPG Global color forecast, including the 2022 Color of the Year.

As part of PPG’s forecasting workshop, the company’s experts uncovered that consumers are more inclined to adopt more colorful selections after difficult inflection points throughout history. A few examples of this would be the Roaring Twenties or after the Great Depression. PPG is seeing post-pandemic optimism infiltrating commercial and residential design spaces so many can create a sense of escapism.

In the same way that trends in the 1920s were marked by opulence, metallics, rich woods, layers, moody colors and angular shapes, PPG said, today’s home décor is drawing inspiration from the Antiquity, Baroque and Renaissance eras of art and form.

PPG believes that after the rise of working from home and remote learning, homeowners have shifted away from open concept living spaces to individual rooms in order to create privacy and compartmentalize working life from personal.

Under the theme Horizon, PPG’s color experts identified three color stories that they believe will resonate with homeowners, designers, architects and facility and property managers in 2022:

  • Invaluable: The Invaluable palette is a library of cultural references drawing from a Gatsby-esque inspiration. This color adds warmth and is grounded in rich hues like PPG’s Gooseberry, Castle Stone and Ancient Copper.
  • Introspective: The Introspective color story creates a serene space, while also adding a hint of color, with colors like PPG’s Tea Time, Peace, Silver Service and Pine Whisper.
  • Inspired: The Inspired palette consists of mood-boosting shades such as PPG’s Cenote, Aloha and Lettuce Alone. These colors can turn up the volume with statement-making accent walls and doors, or a child’s playroom. Olive Sprig acts as a muted neutral in this palette to ground the bolder and brighter colors.

PPG brand paints are available at PPG Paints stores, independent retailers and The Home Depot locations across the U.S. To find Olive Sprig and the other 2022 colors, visit PPG Paints website.


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