Giving others a Haand | Home Accents Today


Second Chance Pottery candles from Benevolence Farm, using seconds from Haand.

BURLINGTON, N.C. —  Haand was initially founded almost 10 years ago to offer a line of niche ceramics crafted by hand. The people at the nonprofit Benevolence Farm also work with their hands, and that connection forged a partnership between the two companies to help one another while giving products and people a second chance.

Benevolence Farm works with people impacted by the criminal legal system in North Carolina, providing safe and secure rooms as well as employment to women returning home from incarceration. Haand donates some of its seconds (pieces that have slight imperfections) to Benevolence Farms to use as vessels for candles, its best-selling product. The Second Chance candles are sold here, as well as at farmers markets.

Haand co-founder Mark Warren said that his company “shares a deep belief with Benevolence – there is something healing and strengthening that happens to your soul when you work with your hands, and in our small way, we are honored to help Benevolence with their mission and good work they do here in the Piedmont” area.

All of Benevolence Farm’s products are handmade by the women who work and live at the farm, and each candle, soap and body care product is infused with natural ingredients grown on the 13-acre property.

Haand’s partnership with Benevolence Farm started a few months ago by accident, said Warren – “or maybe more accurately, by being nosy.” Near its kilns, Haand had a shopping cart filled with pots that had chips, scratches and other imperfections free for the taking. “One day, I noticed that Malik, one of our long-term employees and friends, was always bringing home these ‘unwanted’ pots with him,” Warren said. “At the time, I was giving Malik rides home while his car was in the shop, and as he hopped in my van with a clinking bag loaded with pottery, I asked him what he was doing with all those pots. He explained to me what Benevolence Farm was (his mother was on the board there), and since then we have been sending our pots that deserve a second chance to them to fill with wax and wicks to sell at farmers markets and online.”

Everything that is purchased from the farm is re-invested right back into their employees. And a recent shipment of vessels from Haand sold out in a week. Haand also donated 10% of its sales from Giving Tuesday this year to Benevolence Farm.


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