Daisy Granny Square Crochet Tutorial


This easy skill level 3.25” x 3.25” crochet square is the building block for the granny square tee, bag and blanket projects available exclusively to GH+ members. Go to goodhousekeeping.com/stitchclub for complete project patterns, step-by-step instructions and how-to videos.




    Row 1

    granny square

    Create a magic circle: chain 3 (acts as first double crochet), double crochet into ring 11 times equals 12 double crochet total. Tighten and bind off.

    Row 2

    granny square

    Attach yarn into any chain space on ring. Chain 1 and pull up loop to 1/2”. Yarn over.

    Insert hook into same chain space where yarn was attached, yarn over and pull up a loop to 1/2”. Yarn over. Insert hook into chain space, yarn over and pull up a loop to 1/2”. Yarn over. Insert hook into chain space, yarn over and pull up a loop to 1/2”. Yarn over and pull through all 7 loops on hook. Petal stitch made. Chain 1.

    Repeat this stitch all the way around, 12 petal stitches total.

    When you arrive back at the beginning of the round, insert your hook into the top of the first petal stitch, yarn over and pull through both loops on hook. Fasten off.

    Row 3

    Attach yarn to any chain 1 space in previous row. Chain 3. (Acts as first treble crochet)

    Treble crochet two more times in same chain 1 space. (This is half of a corner. You will make the other half at the end, after you work your way around the outside.) Chain 1.

    Make three double crochet stitches in next chain 1 space. Chain 1. Three double crochet stitches in next chain 1 space. Chain 1. Make three treble crochet stitches in next chain 1 space, chain 2 and make three more treble crochet stitches in same space. Corner made. Chain 1.

    Repeat steps in box above two times.

    Three double crochet stitches in the next chain 1 space. Chain 1.

    Three double crochet stitches in next chain 1 space. Chain 1.

    Back to first half-corner made. Make three treble crochet stitches in same chain 1 space. Chain 2 and connect to first 3 treble crochet stitches made. Fasten off.

    Weave in ends with a tapestry needle.

    disy granny square

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