10 Vegetables & Flowers to Plant in a Garden Now


You might think spring or summer is the best time to get started on your garden, but believe it or not, the middle of September (yes, the fall season!) presents an opportunity to plant a fair range of fall flowers and vegetables. From vitamin-rich spinach to cheery calendulas, you can find a selection of worthwhile additions to your fall garden, whether you have a petite backyard space or a spacious setup any gardening enthusiast would envy.

Of course, the cooler weather might be tricky to navigate occasionally, but it shouldn’t deter you from making your garden work for you. Take a look below at what’s best to plant in September.

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what to plant in september lettuce

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With good soil, lettuce can thrive during the autumn season. This fast-growing vegetable, especially baby lettuce, can be ready to harvest in just about 30 days from sowing.


Brussels Sprouts

what to plant in september brussels sprouts on stalk

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Frosty, cool weather is ideal for Brussels sprouts, which are packed with vitamin C. They prefer fertile, well-drained soil and should be given between 18 to 24 inches of space to spread out as they grow.



what to plant in september radishes

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Radishes, perfect for containers or garden beds, can grow in as little as 20 days. Just be sure to keep the soil moist and be mindful of proper spacing (one-inch apart for seeds and 12 inches in between rows).



what to plant in september calendulas

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These vibrant yellow and orange flowers, whose petals can be used in salads, prefer partial shade as well as fertile, well-drained soil. Typically, they grow up to two feet tall.



what to plant in september garlic

Barbara Rich

Best in the ground or raised beds, garlic can be planted in September for a crop by mid-summer. Choose from two varieties: softneck garlic, which are common in milder climates and contain multiple cloves in each bulb, and hardneck varieties that have a much stronger flavor and fail to store as long as their counterparts.



what to plant in september broccoli

Calvin Chan Wai MengGetty Images

Broccoli does best with full sun, along with slightly acidic soil that’s moist and rich in organic matter. Keep rows at least three feet apart to ensure optimal growth.



what to plant in september carrots

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Late summer to early fall is an ideal time to plant this root vegetable. In order to flourish, carrots need sandy soil with a pH range between six and seven.



what to plant in september peonies

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Plant this eye-catching perennial in the fall to enjoy its beauty next spring. This low-maintenance plant needs full sun and moist soil that drains well. Plant them two inches below the soil surface and maintain about three to four feet of distance in between them to allow for good air circulation.



what to plant in september spinach

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Spinach — especially the savoy varieties — tend to grow quickly during the cooler months. With rich soil, this nutrient-rich vegetable, can grow in full sun or partial shade.



what to plant in september eggplant

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To do well in cooler temperatures, consider growing eggplant in large containers. There’s one caveat though: Their fruit has a tendency to make them tip over, so consider tying them to stakes. And to help keep flea beetles at bay, make sure their containers are at least a foot-and-a-half off the ground.


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