The Swiss Cheese Plant’s Thriving Journey in Your Space

swiss cheese plant

The Monstera adansonii, or “Swiss cheese plant,” that gained popularity in the 1970s is making a comeback now. People like it because its leaves are shiny and heart-shaped with holes that look like Swiss cheese. They come from the rainforests of South and Central America and are ideally adopted as exotic houseplants indoors. 

Scroll down to find out more about this plant…

Types of Swiss Cheese Plants

There are several kinds of plants that are called “Swiss cheese plants,” such as:

  • Monstera Deliciosa: It has bigger leaves than those on Monstera adansonii.
  • Monstera Borsigiana: This type of Monstera deliciosa grows more quickly and is smaller.
  • Monstera Obliqua: It is a rare plant that looks like Monstera adansonii but has smaller, more holey leaves.

Caring Tips For Swiss Cheese Plants

1. Light:

Provide bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

2. Temperature:

Maintain a warm environment. Swiss Cheese Plants prefer temperatures between 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C).

3. Watering:

Water moderately, allowing the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Water less in the winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

4. Humidity:

Swiss Cheese Plants thrive in high humidity. Aim for humidity levels between 50% and 60%.

5. Soil:

Use a well-draining, organic potting mix. A mix designed for aroid plants works well.

6. Fertilizing:

During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your plant with a balanced, liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength every 4-6 weeks.

Common Problems With Swiss Chess Plant

The Swiss cheese plant usually has no major problems when grown the way it likes. But it will likely get sick if you can’t give it the right indoor conditions.

  •  Leaves Turning Yellow

If your plant’s leaves turn yellow, it’s often because you have given it too much water. Ensure the soil isn’t always wet, and let it dry between waterings.

  •  Leaves Turning Black

If you see black spots on the leaves, it could be because the sun is shining directly on them for too long. Keep an eye on your plant during the day and shield it from intense afternoon sunlight to prevent this leaf burn.

5 Facts About Swiss Cheese Plants

➤ Charms of Good Fortune

It has been seen as a sign of luck and success in many places. People think it can bring wealth and good vibes to a home, so it is often given as a lucky gift.

➤ The Longevity Secret

The Swiss Cheese Plant can live for a long time if it is taken care of well. People who love plants can think of it as a good investment.

➤ The Mystery of Monstera Holes

Monsteras make holes in their leaves, which is called fenestration, so they can live in the jungles, where they are found naturally. By letting light and rain through, these holes help them stay alive, making them less likely to be hurt by strong winds and heavy rain.

➤ Incompatible With Furry Friends 

Although it is a lovely houseplant, you should be aware that cats and dogs can become ill from it. It can upset their stomach, make them drool, or make it hard for them to swallow. 

➤ Fruit-Bearing Beauties

Even though it is called the Swiss Cheese Plant, it does not make cheese. However, it grows fruit that you can eat when it is ripe. The fruit has a tropical taste and tastes a bit like a mix of pineapple and banana. However, be aware if it is raw because unripe fruit causes throat and skin irritation.