Shower Plants: The Ultimate Guide to Adding Greenery to Your Bathroom

Shower Plants

Do you ever wish you could bring a touch of nature into your bathroom? Showersplantsare a great way to do just that. Not only do they add a pop of greenery to your bathroom, but they also come with a variety of health benefits. In this ultimate guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about shower plants, including the benefits, types of plants, and care tips.

Benefits of Shower Plants

There are several scientific reasons why having plants in your shower can be beneficial for your health and well-being:

Plants release oxygen: During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. This process helps to improve air quality and create a more breathable environment. In the enclosed space of a shower, plants can help to remove excess moisture and odors, while providing a fresh source of oxygen.

Plants absorb moisture: In a steamy environment like a shower, excess moisture can build up on surfaces and contribute to the growth of mold and mildew. Plants naturally absorb moisture from the air, which can help to reduce humidity levels and prevent mold growth.

Plants reduce stress: Studies have shown that exposure to nature can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The sight and scent of plants can have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to create a more relaxed and peaceful environment.

Plants improve aesthetics: In addition to the health benefits, adding plants to your shower can also improve the overall aesthetics of your bathroom. Plants can add color, texture, and life to an otherwise sterile and utilitarian space.

Overall, the scientific evidence suggests that adding plants to your shower can be a simple and effective way to improve your physical and mental health, while also enhancing the look and feel of your bathroom.

Here are some key points to consider when adding shower plants to your bathroom:

Choose the right plants: Not all plants are suited for shower environments. Look for plants that can thrive in humid conditions and lower light levels. Some examples include spider plants, aloe vera, English ivy, bamboo, Boston ferns, pothos, snake plants, and ZZ plants.

Provide proper drainage: Make sure your shower plants are in containers with proper drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating and causing root rot.

Monitor watering: Shower plants need to be watered regularly, but not overwatered. Check the soil moisture level before watering to avoid waterlogging the soil.

Monitor light levels: While some shower plants can thrive in lower light levels, they still need some access to natural light. Make sure your plants are positioned in a spot where they can receive some light, but not direct sunlight.

Be mindful of temperature: Plants in the shower may be exposed to a range of temperatures, from the hot steam during your shower to cooler temperatures when the shower is not in use. Make sure your plants are able to tolerate these fluctuations.

Consider plant placement: Consider where you want to place your plants in your shower. Hanging plants can be a great option for adding greenery without taking up too much space.

Choose the Right Pot: Make sure to choose a pot with adequate drainage. Excess water can cause mold and mildew growth.

Keep Plants Clean: Dust and debris can accumulate on your plants, causing them to become unhealthy. Wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them clean.

Water Regularly: Shower plants require more water than other plants due to the humidity in your bathroom. Make sure to water them regularly, but be careful not to overwater them.

Enjoy the benefits: With proper care, shower plants can help to improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and enhance the look and feel of your bathroom. Take the time to enjoy the benefits of having plants in your shower.

In conclusion, shower plants are a great way to add a touch of nature to your bathroom while also providing a variety of health benefits. With the right care and maintenance, your shower plants can thrive and create a calming and relaxing environment in your home. Remember to choose plants that can thrive in humid environments, and provide adequate light and water regularly. Happy planting!

Types of Shower Plants

When it comes to choosing shower plants, there are a variety of options. Here are some popular choices:

Spider Plant: Spider plants are easy to care for and can thrive in low-light environments. They also produce “pups,” or baby spider plants, which can be replanted to create more plants.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera plants have many health benefits, including soothing sunburns and skin irritation. They require minimal watering and can survive in low-light environments.

English Ivy: English Ivy is great for reducing mold and mildew in your bathroom. It prefers moderate to bright light and needs to be watered regularly.

Bamboo: A bamboo is a great option for those with a modern or minimalist style. It is easy to care for and can thrive in low-light environments.

Boston Fern: Boston Ferns are great for adding a pop of greenery to your shower. They prefer bright, indirect light and need to be watered frequently.

Pothos: Pothos plants are great for hanging in your shower, as they can trail down the wall. They prefer bright, indirect light and can survive in low-light environments.

Snake Plant: Snake plants are great for those who don’t have a lot of time to care for plants. They can survive in low-light environments and don’t require frequent watering.

ZZ Plant: ZZ plants are great for low-light environments and are known for their ability to remove toxins from the air.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other types of plants that can thrive in a shower environment. It’s important to choose plants that can handle the humidity and lighting conditions in your bathroom and to make sure to provide them with the proper care and maintenance.


Shower plants can provide numerous benefits, including improving air quality, reducing stress levels, and enhancing the look and feel of your bathroom. When adding shower plants to your bathroom, it is important to consider factors such as humidity levels, light levels, temperature fluctuations, size and placement, watering needs, drainage, and maintenance requirements. Choose plants that can thrive in the specific conditions of your bathroom and provide proper care to ensure they thrive. With proper care, shower plants can be a simple and effective way to improve your physical and mental well-being while enhancing the aesthetics of your bathroom.

Related Questions/Answers

Here are some related questions and answers about shower plants:

What are the best plants for a shower?

Some of the best plants for a shower include spider plants, aloe vera, English ivy, bamboo, Boston ferns, pothos, snake plants, and ZZ plants. These plants can thrive in high humidity and lower light levels.

How often should I water my shower plants?

Shower plants should be watered regularly, but not overwatered. Check the soil moisture level before watering and avoid letting water accumulate in the container. The frequency of watering will depend on the specific plant and the conditions of your bathroom.

Can I use tap water to water my shower plants?

Tap water is generally fine for watering shower plants, but it may contain chemicals that can be harmful to some plants. If you are concerned about the quality of your tap water, you can use filtered or distilled water instead.

Can shower plants help to reduce mold and mildew?

Yes, shower plants can help to reduce mold and mildew by absorbing excess moisture from the air. However, it is important to choose plants that can thrive in humid conditions and to provide proper drainage to prevent water from accumulating.

How can I make sure my shower plants get enough light?

While some shower plants can tolerate lower light levels, most plants still need access to natural light. Consider the lighting conditions in your bathroom and position your plants in a spot where they can receive some light, but not direct sunlight. You can also supplement natural light with artificial grow lights if necessary.