See the Biggest Takeaways from GHTA’s Annual Conference. Hint: Think Positive.


Gift and Home Trade Association board at the 2022 annual conference in Tampa, Fla.

Stay connected, stay driven, stay optimistic.

That was the takeaway as the Gift and Home Trade Association (GHTA) wrapped up its annual conference in Tampa, Fla. at the end of September. Meeting in person for the first time in two years, the sold-out event played host to 175 Association members and provided the opportunity to listen to industry experts in a multitude of settings.

“The industry’s leaders truly enjoyed being together again after two years hosting the annual Conference online due to the pandemic” said Bob Watson, The Link Companies, Conference Chair, and GHTA’s 2022-23 President.  “I would like to thank GHTA members who volunteered to lead and join committees in planning this hugely popular and successful conference.  The time they dedicated to give their peers this stellar content in a fun, welcoming, sharing, and cohesive environment was enjoyed by all attendees.”

Through workshops, break-out sessions and keynote speakers, attendees spotlighted challenges facing the industry today, like supply chain issues, along with planning techniques for the future with different trends.

Beekman 1802 founders Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell kicked things off with their opening keynote speech focusing on success in the post-pandemic world. But it was Ari Lowenstein’s breakout session and Benno Duenkelsbuehler’s panel that seemed to be the most impactful.

Focusing on the challenges of membership including representatives, brands and allied companies that serve the industry, the two sessions gave attendees a list of important takeaways: stay focused and follow your strategy, embrace change, use data to help determine your path, stay positive and never forget to communicate to name a few.

Plans were also announced for next year’s conference to be hosted in San Antonio, Texas from Sept. 27-29, 2023.


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