See how influencer Meagan Molten has made a splash in lighting design


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Megan Molten is a luxury interior designer in Charleston, S.C., specializing in residential and commercial space. Molten recently introduced a lighting collection with Mitzi and operates an online shop.

HAT: Tell me about yourself and how you ended up getting involved in the furniture and home décor industry.

Molten: I have always had a love for interiors! When I purchased my first home, I began sharing my designs and progress with my followers. People loved what I was doing and wanted to recreate the same aesthetic in their home. Now, I have been an interior designer for five years. I started my business on Jan. 1, 2018 after leaving my 12-year corporate career in healthcare sales to chase my design dream. In addition to being an interior designer, I am a shop owner. We sell everything from furniture to art to accessories.

HAT: You have a large following on Instagram. Can you share your top three tips to help others in their social media initiatives? 

Molten: Posting relatable, mindful content is my first tip. My followers love to see beautiful Modern Coastal designs come to life! It is important to me to post content they can take something away from or relate to in some way. Second, interacting with my followers. Whether that is answering a comment, writing a blog on a topic I get a ton of questions about, or hosting a Q & A, keeping that open line of communication is so important. Lastly, keeping things exciting and fresh. Mixing up my posts is why I think I have seen so much growth- I never want my page to be boring but rather a source of inspiration.

HAT: You have a very curated selection of items at your shop. Can you explain how you choose the vendors you work with? 

Molten: When choosing pieces for the shop I want them to be something I would use in my own home or design projects. I love working with local small-business owners. We have so many great Charleston-based businesses and I love being able to support them in any way I can.

HAT: What tips can you give on how to successfully sell big ticket items, like furniture, online? 

Molten: Selling big ticket items online can be tricky! It is hard to convince consumers to spend a lot of money on something they have never seen in real life. It is very important to show these items in real homes! Providing lifestyle photos makes it so much easier for buyers to picture the furniture as it might look in their home.

HAT: What advice do you have for your younger self, or a designer who is just getting started? 

Molten: Take the risk! Only do what you can do—meaning hire people who can do certain tasks better than you and focus on your strengths.

HAT: What is next for you that we can look forward to? 

Molten: My lighting collection with Mitzi. This was a huge project for me that I worked for two years on, from drawings to renderings to seeing these launch at High Point furniture market. This was a big accomplishment, and we are so proud. We can’t wait to see what’s next for us when it comes to product design and collaborations with vendors we love working with.


Megan Molten with her lighting collection for Mitzi.

Five Fun Facts about Megan Molten:

  • You mentioned you loved High Point when we met at HPMKT. What is your favorite place to eat and shop when here? I LOVE Print Works Bistro — I look forward to having my steak and chocolate cake every year after a long day at market. I love shopping for vintage rugs. We usually flip through hundreds of rugs [before] finding the perfect ones to take home. I think the Suites at Market Square is the best place to get great vintage rugs.
  • What is your favorite piece of furniture in your home today? My antique Louis Vuitton trunk.
  • Where is your favorite place to travel? France.
  • If you could offer one piece of life advice, what would that be? No risk, no reward. Take the leap and always go with your gut.
  • What is your guilty pleasure? Southern Charm. I ‘m not a huge reality TV fan, but I love seeing Charleston featured on the episodes and all the drama that unfolds is definitely addicting to watch!

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