How to Sleep Better in a New House

Sleep Better in a New House

Moving to a new house can be exciting, but it can also be disruptive to your sleep routine. With a new home comes an unfamiliar sleeping environment with new lights and sounds that can keep you awake and, maybe if you’re lucky, new mattresses that will take some getting used to. To prevent these new factors from disrupting your sleep, it is important to implement and improve a sleep routine.

Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining your health and well-being. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advises that American adults require at least seven hours each night for optimal health and functioning. Insufficient sleep can decrease daytime productivity and alertness, as well as increase the risk of medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and Type II diabetes. Continue reading to discover our top tips on implementing a sleep routine and sleeping better in your new house.

1) Unpack and Organize as Soon as Possible

After a big move, it can be tempting to start with only unpacking your necessary items or even put off unpacking at all. This can create clutter and disturb your sleep quality by limiting access to items used in your sleep routine. Researchers at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY discovered that decluttering and tidying the bedroom can improve sleep quality.  

Unpacking and organizing the bedroom first can reduce the clutter that induces anxiety and create a sleep-conducive environment that facilitates a quality night of sleep. You can start by organizing boxes and items in each room, ready to be unpacked as soon as you are ready. It can also be advantageous to bring out items essential to your sleep routine from the first night to reduce disruption to this routine.

2) Set Up Your Bedroom Comfortably

Your bedroom is often the most intimate and personal space in your home, where you spend a significant amount of time each day. In fact, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends ensuring your bedroom is comfortable, quiet, and relaxing as one of the essential tips for creating a healthy sleep routine. Focus on including key elements that influence the bedroom’s comfort, such as the arrangement of furniture and bedroom essentials. These bedroom items can include a high-quality mattress, comfortable pillows, soft bedding, comforters, blankets, and decorations.

Bedroom Comfortably

3) Invest in Quality Mattresses and Pillows

Your mattress and pillows have a significant effect on your sleep quality. A systematic review of research about the effect of mattresses on sleep quality found that participants slept significantly better on softer mattresses that accommodated the person’s needs. When investing in a mattress, finding one that is comfortable and supportive and that properly aligns your spine throughout the night is essential. Options include a Serta mattress and other top brands. A cushioned mattress pad can be added for extra comfort. Pillows should be chosen based on your preferred sleeping position and personal comfort. 

4) Find the Right Sleep Temperature

Temperature plays an important role in determining sleep quality. Because body temperature naturally drops during the night, a warmer environment can become uncomfortable, leading to tossing, turning, and wakefulness. Research into why poor sleepers have a lower quality of sleep found that an awkward room temperature increases the likelihood of a poor night’s sleep. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends sleeping in a bedroom with a comfortable temperature to sleep better. It is essential to find what this is for you. You can purchase an air conditioner or fan to help discover and regulate the ideal temperature for your bedroom.  

5) Block Out Light and Noise

Exposure to bright lights is commonly known to disrupt sleep throughout the night. Recently, it has also been identified that artificial and blue light emitted from electronic devices can disrupt a person’s ability to fall asleep. In addition, studies have also found that sleeping in a noisy environment, such as close to a highway with traffic, can significantly decrease sleep quality.

Block Out Light and Noise

The CDC and AASM recommend creating a sleeping environment that blocks out artificial light and loud noises. You should also stay off all electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bed. Blackout curtains or blinds can be used to block external lights at night, while a white noise machine or YouTube videos can block external noise that may keep you awake.

6) Decorate with Comfort in Mind

As we mentioned earlier, your bedroom should be an environment you look forward to entering. However, the AASM guidelines also recommend creating a comfortable environment to help improve your sleep quality. This can be achieved by decorating your bedroom to your style and comfort levels. Think about adding art and decorations that suit your personal style, as well as including soft furnishings such as blankets, rugs, and throws to promote comfort and make you want to get into your bed.

7)   Stick to a Sleep Schedule 

Moving home is a big job, and you may be tempted to stay up late and unpack or complete renovations and odd jobs around the house. However, this may end up backfiring and causing you to lose more sleep in the long run. The CDC and AASM have both cited that the number one tip for improving your quality of sleep is having a consistent sleep schedule. An established sleep routine helps you fall and stay asleep easier, essential when sleeping in a new environment. It is important you continue to go to bed at a time that allows you to get at least seven hours of sleep. You can also establish your sleep routine by going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends. 

Final Thoughts 

Remember that adjusting to a new environment takes time, and getting used to your new surroundings may take a few nights. However, by implementing these tips, you can improve your sleep quality in your new house and get the restful sleep you need.