How to Choose the Right Rug Size for King Bed

rug size for king bed

Choosing the right rug size for a king bed can be a challenging task. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect rug size that complements the bed and enhances the overall look of your bedroom. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks on how to choose the right rug size for king bed.

Before we dive into the specifics, it is essential to understand why the rug size matters when it comes to a king bed. A rug is not just a piece of decoration for your bedroom. It serves several practical purposes, such as protecting your feet from the cold floor, adding a layer of comfort and warmth, and tying the room together. Choosing the right size of the rug ensures that it serves these purposes and complements the furniture in your room.

Determine the Layout of Your Bedroom

The first step in choosing the right rug size for a king bed is to determine the layout of your bedroom. The layout of your room will dictate the size and shape of the rug that will fit perfectly. A common mistake that many people make is choosing a rug that is too small for their room or bed, making it look out of place and awkward.

The ideal rug size for a king bed is 9 feet by 12 feet. This site will allow you to place the rug under the bed, extending it to the sides and the foot of the bed. It will also give you enough space to walk around the bed without stepping off the rug.

Consider the Size and Shape of Your Room

Apart from the layout of your bedroom, the size and shape of your room should also be considered when choosing a rug size for a king bed. If you have a small bedroom, a rug that is too large can make it look cluttered and cramped. On the other hand, if you have a large bedroom, a small rug will look out of place and make the bed look insignificant.

When choosing a rug size, make sure that it is proportional to the size of your room. If you have a square-shaped room, a square or round rug will work best. If you have a rectangular-shaped room, a rectangular rug will be more appropriate.

Consider the Style of Your Room

Another factor to consider when choosing a rug size for a king bed is the style of your room. If your room has a minimalist and modern aesthetic, a neutral-colored rug that blends in with the walls and furniture will work best. If your room has a bohemian or eclectic style, a vibrant and patterned rug will complement the other decorative elements in the room.

Choose the Right Rug Material

The material of the rug is also an essential factor to consider when choosing the right rug size for a king bed. The material of the rug should be comfortable and durable enough to withstand regular use. Wool rugs are a popular choice because they are soft, durable, and easy to maintain. Cotton rugs are also a good option because they are breathable and absorb moisture.

Experiment with Different Rug Placements

When choosing a rug size for a king bed, it is essential to experiment with different rug placements to find the perfect fit. Placing the rug entirely under the bed is a popular option, but it is not the only one. You can also place the rug partially under the bed, leaving some space exposed at the foot of the bed, or place the rug at an angle to create a dynamic and visually interesting look.

Determining the right rug size for a king-size bed can have several benefits, including:

  1. Enhances the Aesthetics: A properly sized rug can enhance the visual appeal of the room by creating a sense of balance and harmony. A rug that is too small or too large can make the room feel awkward and unbalanced.
  2. Comfortable underfoot: A larger rug can provide a comfortable surface underfoot, making it more pleasant to walk around the room barefoot or in socks. This is particularly important in the bedroom where comfort is key.
  3. Protects the floor: A rug can protect the floor from scratches and dents caused by the bed and furniture. It can also help to absorb noise, reducing the sound of footsteps and other noises.
  4. Defines the space: A rug can help to define the space, creating a designated area for the bed and giving the room a more cohesive and organized look.
  5. Provides warmth: A rug can help to insulate the floor, providing warmth and comfort during the colder months.

Overall, choosing the right rug size for a king-size bed can enhance the overall look and feel of the room, making it more comfortable and inviting.


In conclusion, choosing the right rug size for a king bed requires careful consideration of several factors. By taking into account the layout, size, and shape of your room, the style of your room, the material of the rug, and experimenting with different rug placements, you can find the perfect rug size that complements your bed and enhances the overall look of your bedroom. Remember, a rug is not just a decorative element; it serves several practical purposes, such as adding warmth and comfort to your space, protecting your feet from the cold floor, and tying the room together. With the right rug size, you can create a cozy and stylish bedroom that you will love spending time in.

Related Questions/Answers

Q: What size rug should I use for a king-size bed?

A: A general rule of thumb is to use a rug that is at least 8 feet by 10 feet for a king-size bed.

Q: Can I use a smaller rug for a king-size bed?

A: Yes, you can use a smaller rug for a king-size bed, but it may not look as visually appealing. If you use a smaller rug, make sure to place it at the foot of the bed.

Q: What types of rugs are suitable for a king-size bed?

A: Any type of rug can be suitable for a king-size bed, depending on your personal preference and the style of your bedroom. However, larger rugs like a 9×12 or 10×14 size are typically better suited for larger spaces like bedrooms.

Q: Should the rug go under the entire bed or just under the foot of the bed?

A: This depends on your personal preference and the size of the rug. If you have a large enough rug, you can place it under the entire bed. If the rug is smaller, it’s better to place it at the foot of the bed.

Q: How can I make sure the rug is centered under the bed?

A: Measure the length and width of the bed, then measure the rug to ensure it’s centered. Alternatively, you can use painter’s tape to mark the corners of the rug before placing it under the bed.

Q: What if I have a bed with a footboard or side rails?

A: If you have a bed with a footboard or side rails, make sure the rug is placed under the bed and not the footboard or side rails. This will help to create a cohesive look in your bedroom.

Q: What if I have a round or oval-shaped rug?

A: If you have a round or oval-shaped rug, you can still use it for a king-size bed. Place it at the foot of the bed, making sure it’s centered and not too small for the space.