Designers share their biggest challenges for 2023


The end of the year is the perfect time to assess where one’s business is at — and where it needs to go. Designers shared what’s on their plates going into the new year.

What is your biggest challenge going into 2023?

Andrea Reordan of AR Interior Design:

“Time management, always time management. Life is quick.”

Ellen Walker of Ellen Walker Design Group:

“In terms of overall business, I have been slower in the last half of 2022 than I was in the beginning of 2022 and 2021. I have had less inquiries and consultations than previously. I have recently started  cutting unnecessary expenses, like Adobe Acrobat payments, discontinuing Google ads, some coaching, and really watching my numbers. I’m  reaching out to other builders, architects, and plan on staying connected with past clients I’ve enjoyed working with. My clientele is in the mid-high market, so I’m hoping that they will continue to refer me and continue with new projects. These clients have wealth and in my experience have been loyal and very good to work with.  I constantly ask my existing clients how else I can help them.  In my experience it has gained additional  work by that simple question.

My challenge for 2023 is to gain new large projects which has been the majority of my business. I’m  carefully watching my expenditures. I have been working on updating my website for 2023.  During this slower time, I have been updating procedures, marketing, getting to working on the business end work that got behind during a busier time caught up, and starting to plan and set goals for 2023. I do not have any plans on investing in my business financially for 2023 other than connecting, networking and getting published.”

Kelly Tivey of Kelly Tivey Interior Design:

“Marketing to, and attracting my ideal clients. Busy professionals who want and need to project an elevated image, and who understand and appreciate higher end, and quality products.”

Anna Popov of Interiors by Popov:

“Maintaining the level of operations that allows us to continue our business with our current staff while delivering good design, good service and enhancing our brand strength, awareness and prestige in the industry.”


Are you investing in your company for 2023? If so, how? 

Andrea Reordan of AR Interior Design:

“Considering hiring an office assistant”

Kelly Tivey of Kelly Tivey Interior Design:

“As a small business, I’ll be watching every penny.  My investments into my business will revolve around learning new ways of attracting ideal clients, improving processes, and continuing to connect and collaborate with other high-end professional interior designers.”

Anna Popov of Interiors by Popov:

“All the investment right now goes into PR, branding and marketing.”

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