Common Thread for the Cure makes 11 grants in 2022


LEXINGTON, N.C. — In 2022, the Common Thread for the Cure Foundation has given Helping Hand grants to 11 women, bringing its total grants to $109,000.

A total of $52,800 in grants have been gifted to three women in Indiana, as well as one survivor each in California, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

Covering the breadth of the furnishings and design industry, the grants are going to two A&D representatives, a business developer to the A&D community, an order-processing supervisor, three interior designers, a sewer for residential furniture, the wife of a CEO and sisters of women employed in both the residential and contract markets.

These 11 women experienced job loss; additional surgeries due to the lack of clear margins; biopsy of the wrong location, which resulted in the cancer spreading; inaccurate mammography results due to faulty equipment; a fourth recurrence of cancer over a 20-year time span and diagnoses at an age when life’s focus is raising very young children.

The purpose of the Helping Hand Grant is to aid breast cancer survivors and their families in areas where financial assistance is needed. Grants are made available each year to approved applicants. Grant amounts and the number of grants offered vary based on the availability of funds.

The organization held its first-ever High Point Market Mixer at the fall market this year and has a couple of fundraising events on the calendar for 2023: the 20th Annual Golf Tournament on April 28 and Give Breast Cancer the Boot on Sept. 19.

For more information about Common Thread for the Cure and the grants, visit the website.

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