26 Best Perennial Flowers That Bloom All Year


perennial flowers, summer garden flower border with echinacea purpurea, rudbeckia yellow coneflowers

Jacky Parker PhotographyGetty Images

With spring right around the corner, it’ll soon be time to prepare your gorgeous garden and flower beds for warmer weather. Clear dead growth, brush back leaves, pull weeds, sow seeds, mulch — with a to-do list this long, why not find a solution that saves time, money and energy year after year? Unlike short-lived annuals (plants that complete their life cycle in a single year), perennials live for several years and require very little maintenance after initial planting. To help you achieve long-lasting beauty, we’ve rounded up the best perennial flowers and plants that bloom for at least two seasons.

By filling your garden, flower beds and well-decorated backyard with these low-maintenance perennials, you’re guaranteed fresh blooms, beautiful colors and sweet scents every year — which could mean three to five years or over a century of hardy perennial flowers. Whether you’re looking for the best spring bulbs, summer blossoms or festive fall flowers, our list is complete with zone requirements, sunlight needs and optimal blooming times.

Start scrolling to find a selection of low-growing ground covers, garden pollinators, tall perennials and edible flowers (hint: some leaves are great for making tea and potpourris). Regardless of whether your outdoor space has full sun or shade, you’re sure to find a plant that will thrive. Our favorite part? There are so many variations of top perennials to choose from, including foliage that’s purple, pink, yellow, blue, white and red.


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